miércoles, 8 de abril de 2015

Read and Display a seg-y Stack using Madagascar

In this post I will explain how to read a seg-y stack in Madagascar.
sfsegyread tfile=stk4164hdr.rsf \
hfile=stk4164.ebcdic \
bfile=stk4164.bin \
endian=y verb=y \
< ~/obspy/stk/STKSFYG_4164.sgy \
> stk4164.rsf
The sfsegyread command converts the seg-y to a rsf file. The hfile option is used to output the ebcdic header. The output file name is specified in line 6, the input file name in line 5.

sfgrey < stk4164.rsf \
color=h \
title="4164 Stack" \
gpow=.7 \
scalebar=y \
> 4164.vpl
sfgrey is used to generate a plot of the data. gpow options acts as an AGC. color is used to select from this palette.
sfpen 4164.vpl
Finally, sfpen is used to display the generated image.

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